Sustainability at Iowa State University

Iowa State University campus aerial view.

Defining Sustainability 

“Sustainability presumes the planet's resources should be used conservatively, wisely and equitably – toward ensuring “…meeting the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of the future generations to meet their needs.” Brundtland Commission, 1987

The Iowa Board of Regents references sustainability guidance and vision in the preamble of the annual Campus Sustainability Report, and therefore, guides all three regent institutions: 

“Iowa’s public universities are committed to a sustainable future through academics and research, operations and economic development. Respect for the impact on the environment is part of decision-making at all levels. Regent institutions broadly apply campus sustainability in the general operations of each institution, in curriculum and in experiences of students and employees. Sustainability is also utilized effectively when partnering with industry leaders, joining with all levels of government and transferring technology within the institutions.” 

Iowa State University implements sustainability commitment and celebrates sustainability achievement through its Live Green initiative. 

Three Components of Sustainability

Through Live Green, Iowa State University seeks to educate, engage and empower students, faculty, staff and campus visitors about the all-encompassing opportunity of living a sustainable life through the collective consideration of three components – environment, economy and society. The full and simultaneous integration of all three components ensures a more sustainable and resilient present and future.  

Each component of sustainability is discussed below and also highlighted within the Campus Commitment webpages. Opportunities for individual commitment to and implementation of the three components are included on the Take Action webpages.

Three Facets Diagram
Each component of sustainability is highlighted below and also highlighted within the Campus Commitments webpages. In addition, take action by putting the three components in practice with simple, though effective, opportunities to lead a more sustainable lifestyle. 
  • Environmental Sustainability

    Environmental Sustainability

    Environmental sustainability is the component with which we are likely most familiar - recycling is often one of the first things to come to mind. However, environmental sustainability is so much more, including all behaviors that strive to ensure the natural ebb and flow of our ecosystems. Taking care of the Earth as we enjoy and pursue our many adventures and aspirations is a vital component in ensuring a sustainable future for us and our planetary home.

  • Economic Sustainability

    Economic Sustainability

    Economic sustainability is a critical component to functioning successfully, as everything has a connection to and is impacted by financial well-being. Implementing equitable and financially-sound practices related to monetary decisions is critical for us as individuals, as well as for the communities in which we live. Taking steps to plan for a secure, financial future, that encompasses supporting our local economics, ensures economic sustainability, both individually and collectively.

  • Social Sustainability

    Social Sustainability

    Social sustainability involves embracing the diversity of our world (both globally and locally), connecting to our communities and giving back through volunteerism. Through social sustainability, we become socially aware and connected to ensure our growth into global citizens - as well as discovering how we can support one another through everyday challenges and opportunities.

A collective and committed sustainable future rests upon an engaged, empowered and innovative community vision, strategy and plan.

Merry Rankin, Director of Sustainability

Live Green is Iowa State University's campus-wide sustainability initiative encouraging all students, faculty and staff to be fully committed to and engaged in making our campus, its operations and initiatives as green as possible.

The Live Green Initiative began in 2008, and offered two challenges:

  • To be a leader in sustainability among land grant institutions, and
  • To recognize that the involvement and dedication of every member of the Iowa State University community is critical to achieving this goal.

The Live Green initiative is supported by an extensive and committed infrastructure of university committees, teams and organizations. 

University Sustainability Committee

Develops recommendations for the University President to advance sustainability through cost-effective actions.

Live Green Leadership Team

Supports sustainability education, engagement and empowerment initiatives and opportunities through a multitude of communication and outreach efforts.

Sustainability Reporting Group

Monitors, assesses and responds to informational requests from external reporting organizations.

Live Green Revolving Loan Fund Advisory Committee

Reviews load fund applications, monitors use of loan funds and publicizes achievements of funded projects. 

Student Government Co-Directors of Sustainability (PDF)

Works directly with ISU students to connect and support student initiatives on campus that promote environmental, social and economic sustainability.

Student Government Sustainability Committee

Engages students to implement projects, host events and promote sustainability on campus.

The Green Umbrella Student Organization

Serves as an umbrella organization and connection resource for sustainability-related student clubs and organizations.

Sustainability Plan

Iowa State University’s 2021-2025 Strategic Plan for Sustainability in Operations, advised through resolutions from Faculty Senate and Student Government and the recommendations of an Advisory Committee on Sustainability and the University Sustainability Committee, guides focused commitment to reducing carbon emissions, reducing energy consumption and applying cohesive and overarching sustainability procedures to day-to-day operations.

The University’s Strategic Plan for Sustainability in Operations embraces the commitment toward a sustainable future through day-to-day operations and amenities. The plan is based upon an international benchmarking foundation for sustainability in higher education, STARS (Sustainability Tracking Assessment & Ranking System).