3 Facets of Sustainability

At Iowa State University, the Live Green! Initiative seeks to educate, engage and empower students, faculty, staff or anyone visiting Iowa State's campus about the all-encompassing opportunity of living a sustainable life through the three facets of sustainability. Living sustainably makes a powerful impact on us individually, but also collectively on our colleagues, friends, families and communities. This translates to leaving the world a more sustainable and resilient place for future generations. 

Each facet of sustainability is highlighted below. In addition, take action by putting the three facets in practice with simple, though effective, opportunities to lead a more sustainable lifestyle.
Environmental Sustainability

Environmental Sustainability

Environmental sustainability is the facet with which we are likely most familiar - recycling is often one of the first things to come to mind. However, environmental sustainability is so much more, including all behaviors that strive to ensure the natural ebb and flow of our ecosystems. Taking care of the Earth as we enjoy and pursue our many adventures and aspirations is a vital component in ensuring a sustainable future for us and our planetary home.

Social Sustainability

Social Sustainability

Social sustainability involves embracing the diversity of our world (both globally and locally), connecting to our communities and giving back through volunteerism. Through social sustainability, we become socially aware and connected to ensure our growth into global citizens - as well as discovering how we can support one another through everyday challenges and opportunities.

Economic Sustainability

Economic Sustainability

Economic sustainability is a critical component to functioning successfully, as everything has a connection to and is impacted by financial well-being. Implementing equitable and financially-sound practices related to monetary decisions is critical for us as individuals, as well as for the communities in which we live. Taking steps to plan for a secure, financial future, that encompasses supporting our local economics, ensures economic sustainability, both individually and collectively.