February: Embracing Green

February: Embracing Green

A Blurb from our Blog:
Just as February is known as the month when love is in the air – we are loving this month’s celebratory theme.  We continue our 10 Year Anniversary Celebration of the Live Green! Initiative this month with the theme and focus of Embracing Green. This month focuses especially on social sustainability and all the many ways Iowa State University offers opportunities and supports initiatives that fully embrace the different perspectives, experiences, viewpoints and contextual considerations within and for our campus community.
February Blog Post 

Embrace both history and love this month by learning about ways we can promote diversity and understanding on our college campus. Join for us coffee and conversation, and practice embracing social awareness and diversity.

Topics included: 
Planning for a Greener Tomorrow | Community Planning 

featuring: City of Ames Planning and Housing Director, Kelly Diekmann

Together WE Green | Embracing Diversity and Inclusion
featuring: Office of the Vice President of Diversity and Inclusion, E. Jacob Cummings

Fueling Our Lives | Iowa State Utility Services
featuring: Director of ISU Utilities Services | ISU Power Plant; Jeff Witt

Greener Together | Student Engagement
featuring: ISU Student Government Director of Sustainability, Toni Sleugh

Be Well | Student Wellness and Wellbeing
featuring: ISU Stduent Wellness Director, Brian Vanderheyden

Waste Free Life | Zero Waste
featuring: ISU Recycling and Events Coordinator, Ayodeji Oluwalana
and Food/Zero Waste Graduate Student in Family and Consumer Science, Amy Lodes

Coffee Conversations on Sustainability Events

  • 3:30-5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 13
  • Room 198, Parks Library

Embracing Green Photos

Embracing Green Poster